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Parent update
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Our goal is to keep you informed and connected, so sign up for the following: PARENT UPDATE EMAIL
REMIND, Class code 2024prnt or text @2024prnt to 81010
REMIND will no longer send messages via text (unless you are a K-12 school district). However, you can still receive your messages via smartphone app, email, and web. To make sure you continue to receive Bayshore Student notifications we would like to encourage you to download the Remind App and turn on notifications!
LIFEGroup Parent GROUP ME - Keep up with what our LIFEGroups are learning.
Check out our website to find more information about our church and to register for upcoming Student Ministry events at Church On Bayshore/Events
Follow Bayshore Students on Facebook & Instagram
Our Student Minister Search Team wants to keep communication open. The team is advertising the position and receiving and reviewing resumes. Initial questionnaires have been sent to candidates with whom we desire further conversations to get to know them better. We hope to have someone on staff around the start of the school year; however, our priority is to find the right person for our students, families, church, and community. Please continue praying for the team and the person we know God has in mind for this position. You can contact the team at
Search Team Members: Jack Skiles - Chair, Rachel Bliss, Amy Goodman, Laura Putman, Brad Ellis, & Beth Suddarth - Personnel Team Representative
October 5 ~ SERVE DAY 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
October 13 ~ NICEVILLE STRONG COMMUNITY PRAYER RALLY 6:00 p.m. (NO HSM) To unite the community by providing the awareness, resources, and hope needed to help families and individuals combat life controlling issues such as drug and alcohol addiction, mental illness, violence, and suicide.
October 23 ~ FALL FESTIVAL (NO MSM) 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
October 27 ~ HSM COSTUME DODGEBALL - High School 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
October 30 - MSM COSTUME DODGEBALL - Middle School 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
November 14 -17 ~ DNOW 2024 ~ DNOW (short for Disciple Now) is a weekend of focused discipleship to help the students of our church and community learn to follow Jesus. Students, in 6th-12th grade, are invited to join us for our DNOW weekend. Students will be staying in Host Homes over the weekend, be taught the Word faithfully, poured into by faithful church members and college leaders, have a wonderful time of fellowship with other students, be led in worship by an amazing praise team, and hear challenging messages. The hope of DNOW is to lead students to actively live out their faith in Jesus as Lord.
Willing to be a host home for DNOW? Fill out this form!
November 17 - NO 11:00 a.m. LIFEGROUPS (DNOW)
***SAVE THE DATE FOR 2025***
​June 2-7 - MFUGE - OPEN TO ALL CURRENT 6-12th GRADERS this year. We will be returning to the University of Mobile in Mobile, AL for a week of growing in the Word, in Fellowship with other believers, and in Service by being on mission in the local community. Cost: $409 Registration will open soon!
July 13-19 - NYC HIGH SCHOOL LEADERSHIP MISSION TRIP - Come and join Bayshore High School Students as we collaborate with One Community Church (OCC), a church supported by Church on Bayshore, in New York City. OCC is situated in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood and caters to a wide range of residents. Throughout the week, Bayshore Students will team up with OCC members and staff to serve the community and spread the message of Christ’s love. ***This year there will be an application process.*** More information will be sent out soon. Dates are tentative.
Current Teaching Series on Sunday and Wednesday Nights:
Life in 6 words: the G.O.S.P.E.L.
The G.O.S.P.E.L Message Explained - Life In 6 Words
Sharing the Gospel with someone is like taking them on a journey through the story of the Bible. This journey can be explained in a six-letter acrostic that spells out the word GOSPEL.
GOD created us to be with Him. (Genesis 1-2)
OUR sins separate us from God. (Genesis 3)
SINS cannot be removed by good deeds. (Genesis 4-Malachi 4)
PAYING the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again. (Matthew-Luke)
EVERYONE who trusts in Him alone has eternal life. (John)
LIFE with Jesus starts now and lasts forever! (Acts-Revelation)
If you are not connected to your student’s LIFEGroup channel in GroupMe, join the chat in GroupMe. In this group chat, your student’s LIFEGroup leaders will post information about what they are covering in the group each week and other information about LIFEGroup activities.
Beginning this past Sunday, our student LIFEGroups will use a curriculum published by Lifeway: HyFi. HyFi stands for Here You Find Identity. HyFi’s main focus is our identity in Christ. Through monthly themes, students will begin to understand who they are in Christ and how their identity is shaped by what we see in Scripture, not in the world. There is a strong focus on addressing major questions about themselves, the world, and God and finding those answers in Scripture. Attached is an overview of our theme for September. You can learn more about the HyFi curriculum here.
Student Parents, we need YOUR help!
We are still in need of volunteers for the following:
DNOW - We are looking for parents to help us by hosting a group for DNOW November 14-17! If interested fill out the Host Home Sign Up Form here:
For more information email