Our desire as a church is for God to use us to build His kingdom here in our local area and around the world. Every member is called to 'Live Sent' - on mission to help people see the greatness of Jesus.
Collectively, as the church, we prioritize our missions engagement in 4 primary areas:
Church Planting and Support
Locally and globally, our desire is to see Gospel-centered churches planted and strengthened. Globally, we are focusing on areas that are 'hard to reach' and have little to no access to the Gospel. Locally and regionally, we support new church plants in areas where there is need.
Missionary Support
Through our giving to the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention,
we are able to support missionaries and ministries across North America and the world. In addition to this support, we have missionaries from our church that we support through giving, prayer, and service.
1.27 & 19.10 Ministries
Throughout the Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments, 4 groups of people are identified as groups that God's people should care for: orphans, widows, the poor, and the sojourner. James 1:27 and Leviticus 19:10 are two of many verses that point to this. These ministries provide care for these groups locally and globally.
Local Engagement
We are called to serve where we live. These ministries and organizations help us serve our community, build bridges and tangibly be the hands of and feet of Jesus.
Below you will see the many ways we are engaged in these efforts.
For more information or to connect with any of these partners or ministries, contact us.
The church doesn't
do missions.
We are
on mission.
-Bayshore Values
Anchor Church - Freeport
Anchor Church is a new church plant in Freeport, Florida, a neighboring community. We have committed to send a core team of people and funds to help this new church reach the growing Freeport area. For more information, check out Anchor Church.
India Church Planting
Church on Bayshore has made a commitment to church planting and evangelism in unreached areas of this country. Through equipping and training, Church on Bayshore, working alongside IMB is providing support, training, and resources to see new churches started in unreached areas.
Ministry Support for Churches
Our desire isn't just to grow our church, but to build the kingdom. It is our joy to be a resource to other churches in our region, through support, networking, and ministry collaboration.
Guyana Church Planting & Support
Praying, giving, and going, while working with Cross Missions Inc., Church on Bayshore has been able to supply local pastors and church planters with resources to meet needs, strengthen churches, and share the Gospel.
Laura Jones Muyingo
Laura serves with One More Child in Uganda, ministering to orphans and vulnerable children as a teacher in school and a mentor and advocate.
South Asia Pastors
Church on Bayshore has made a monthly commitment to support multiple pastors spreading the good news of Jesus Christ in unreached areas of South Asia.
Ken and Mary-Anne Jefferson*
North Africa
The Jeffersons serve as church planters in a region of North Africa, evangelizing, discipling believers and training leaders in an area with little Gospel witness.
*Names changed for security purposes
NAMB, IMB, Cooperative Program
As a Southern Baptist Church, we contribute regularly to the North American Mission Board, International Mission Board and SBC Cooperative Program as they focus on evangelism and church planting in the US and around the world.
Center of Hope
Our Benevolence Ministry exists to minister to individuals in our community who are facing an acute, financial crisis. Volunteers serve at Church on Bayshore's Center of Hope, Monday - Thursday, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM. Contact:
678.4062 or email us.
Sharing and Caring
Sharing and Caring meets tangible needs of families in the Niceville-Valparaiso-Choctaw Beach area. Volunteers serve at the Sharing and Caring Office. Church on Bayshore provides monthly financial supprt and collects food and school supplies throughout the year.
Crossroads Medical
Crossroads Center Medical Clinic and Free Dental Clinic provides free care to uninsured, low income citizens of Okaloosa and Walton Counties. Church on Bayshore provides monthly financial support as well as volunteers to help this ministry meet needs in our community.
Thanksgiving Dinner and Christmas Eve Meals
Each year, we host a free Thanksgiving meal for our community. We offer an on campus community meal as well as meal delivery for those who are homebound. We also offer Christmas Eve meal delivery for those in need.
Disaster Relief
Disaster Relief is a ministry that strives to meet the physical and spiritual needs of lives affected by natural disasters. When people are hurting because of a disaster, we respond with love, healing, and help. Our unit responds locally (Panhandle), and regionally (Southeast).
CALM House
Crisis Aid for Littles and Moms is a local organization that strives to break the generational bonds of poverty for single moms and their children in Northwest Florida. Church on Bayshore partners through financial support, prayer, and serving.
Foster/Adoptive Family Support
We desire to see many in our church and community become foster and adoptive families. Our Foster/Adoptive Family support team seeks to recruit new families community and to provide care and support for foster/adoptive families.
English as a Second Language
Our ESL classes provide a great service and support for those who are non-native English speakers. Classes are free and offered on campus on Tuesdays at 6:00pm in the Adult Commons. Volunteer teachers develop relationships with students and instruct them in language growth.
Edge Tutoring
Edge Elementary Tutoring Ministry is an after school program where Church on Bayshore's members mentor and tutor students, ages Kindergarten through Grade 2, who are struggling with school.
Good News Jail Ministry
Good News Jail Ministry ministers to those serving time in the Okaloosa County Jail. Through Bible studies, classes, and connections in the community, the goal is to help these men and women discover the true life change found in Jesus Christ.
One More Child &
Florida Baptist Children's Home
One More Child provides Christ-centered care to vulnerable children and struggling families through foster care, child hunger, anti-trafficking programs, single moms ministries, and family support.
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child is a chance to reach vulnerable children and families with the message of the Gospel. Through packed boxes, children across the globe hear and experience the love of Jesus. Box packing takes place in the fall.
Chamber of Commerce
Through our participation with the Niceville/Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce we are able to build bridges in to our community and help meet needs locally.
Pavilion Support
Twin Cities Pavilion is a long-term care facility for the elderly in our community. Church on Bayshore volunteers weekly to provide services to residents. In addition, we have purchased new flooring and assist with facility renovations.
Community Engagement
We are always looking for new ways to engage our community. Whether it is through local service projects, supporting local school and teams, or meetings tangible needs in our area, we want to be a part of building the kingdom and showing the love of Jesus.
Niceville Strong
Niceville Strong raises awareness and engages the community to 'break the cycle' of drug and alcohol addiction, mental illness, violence, and suicide in our area. Our volunteer and financial support provides resources to families and community in this fight.
PARAKALEO is a support group that prays for, supports, and comforts those who have a loved one suffering from a life controlling issue which has taken them on a path away from God. Parakaleo meets on Wednesday evenings at 6:00PM at Church on Bayshore.