At Church on Bayshore, Ministry Leadership Teams (MLT's) work in conjunction with the pastoral and administrative staff to engage the church body to carry out the church's mission: to do whatever it takes to see people Believe in Jesus, Belong to God's family, and Become who God created them to be; impacting the world for Christ.
Ministry Leadership Teams consist of qualified church members who desire to serve the church and help engage the church in ministry. Five different MLT's provide this essential support:
Missions, Community Outreach and Evangelism, Discipleship, Stewardship, and Personnel.
Descriptions of each team are provided below.
The Chaiperson of each of MLT along with the Chairman of Deacons and a church selected Chairman of Trustees form the Church Trustees. Trustees provide the strategic focus and guidance to Ministry Teams through the Ministry Leadership Teams to carry our the church vision.
MLT Qualifications
The following are qualifications for MLT service as provided in the Church Bylaws:
- Must be above reproach and recognized as a Spiritual leader in the Church
- Must demonstrate a disciplined ministry, Bible study, and prayer life
- Must tithe to this Church in both belief and practice
- Must be at least twenty-one (21) years old, a practicing Believer for at least four (4) years, and member of this Church for at least one (1) year unless a waiver is granted by the Senior Pastor, the Chairman of the Trustees, and the Chairman of the Deacons.
MLT Descriptions
Missions MLT
Guided by the assigned Pastoral Staff member, leads the Church membership to carry out the Great Commission through taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
Supports, advises, and coordinates with the assigned Pastoral Staff member to plan, support, and prioritize mission activities; national and international. This includes prioritizing and allocating funding for these activities.
Continuously evaluates the effectiveness of various missions activities and uses these results in allocating resources for future activities.
Identifies missions-related ministry needs, provides guidance for engagement, and allocates MLT resources to subordinate Ministry Teams as needed.
Serves as co-Budget Area Manager, along with the assigned Pastoral Staff member, for all missions-related budget areas.
Community Outreach and Evangelism MLT
Guided by the assigned Pastoral Staff member, leads, encourages, and equips the Church membership to engage in lifestyle evangelism through local service and missions.
Supports, advises, and coordinates with the assigned Pastoral Staff member to plan, support, and prioritize local community outreach and evangelism activities. This includes prioritizing and allocating funding for these activities.
Continuously evaluates the effectiveness of various community outreach and evangelism activities and uses these results in allocating resources for future activities.
Identifies community outreach and evangelism-related ministry needs, provides guidance for engagement, and allocates MLT resources to subordinate Ministry Teams as needed.
Serves as co-Budget Area Manager, along with the assigned Pastoral Staff member, for all community outreach & evangelism-related budget areas.
Discipleship MLT
Advises and assists the assigned Pastoral Staff representative as he leads the Church membership to grow together in our faith and to pursue spiritual maturity.
Working with the assigned Pastoral Staff representative, identify Discipleship needs, review new LIFEGroup curriculum requests and new Discipleship-related ministry requests.
Evaluates the effectiveness of various discipleship ministries and assists the assigned Pastoral Staff Representative in developing strategies and activities to enable the church to become more effective disciple makers.
Supports and advises the assigned Pastoral Staff representative in developing pathways and opportunities for Connection for the purpose of strengthening the body, both in unity and in love.
Identifies and establishes Ministry Teams (MTs), as needed, to effectively lead the church in the area of discipleship.
Serves as Budget Area Co-Manager for Discipleship Ministries with the assigned Pastoral Staff representative. Assists in the development of an overall Annual Discipleship Ministry Plan and associated Annual Budget request. Allocates MLT resources to Ministry Teams as needed.
Stewardship MLT
The Stewardship MLT manages all aspects of Church finance and accounting, including financial planning, budgeting, cash management accounting, and continuous tracking and oversight.
Leads the annual Church budgeting process using “zero-based budgeting” principles to develop a structured operating budget for presentation to the Church for approval.
Continuously assesses the income and expense status related to the operating budget, including designated accounts. Reports to the Church at all regularly scheduled Annual Meetings, Town Halls or other meetings, as required.
In coordination with the various Budget Area Managers, reprograms funds when appropriate for alternative ministry uses. In accordance with "zero-based budgeting" principles, may reprogram or reallocate any un-obligated or excess end-of-year funds.
Supports the Senior Pastor in Church-wide stewardship emphasis programs.
Determines the acceptance/non-acceptance of contributions. Applies IRS 501(c)(3) code provisions to determine if the contributions qualify as tax deductible.
Establishes a Properties Ministry Team
Personnel MLT
Serves as the governing body for all personnel decisions (except for search and removal of the Senior Pastor) and oversees all aspects of personnel management for the Church Staff.
Develops employee policies and procedures relative to recruiting, hiring, firing, performance evaluations, and discipline.
Works closely with the Church Administrator to organize, structure, supervise, and direct the
Administration and Support Staff.
Reviews and approves Administrator recommendations to the Stewardship MLT on employee compensation and benefits as defined in the Church operating budget.
Interested in serving?
Complete the online application. After submission a staff member will contact you.
For additional information and questions, contact Steve Renna, Church Adminstrator.