Our relationships bring the highest highs and the lowest lows in life. Learning to be a better spouse, employee and friend is a lifelong process. Relationships can be confusing, messy, and complicated but the Bible gives guidance on some key aspects of these different relationships that bring great blessing to our lives, if we will listen and follow it. Join us for this teaching series as we talk about how to live with this clarity in our relationships.
clarity: On Authority
Preacher: James Ross
Date: November 26th, 2023
clarity: On Children and Parents
Preacher: James Ross
Date: November 19th, 2023
clarity: On Calling
Preacher: Alec Ammons
Date: November 12th, 2023
clarity: On What God Has Called us To Do
Preacher: Ken Hall
Date: November 5th, 2023
clarity: on marriage, Husbands
Preacher: James Ross
Date: October 29nd, 2023
clarity: on marriage, Wives
Preacher: James Ross
Date: October 22nd, 2023
clarity: on marriage, the Big Picture
Preacher: James Ross
Date: October 15th, 2023